Sunday 1 April 2012

Geeee Wiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!!!

Who knows where the weekend went? I sure don't, just been chillin with my mates & chasing a few flies... well swishing them with my tail! You guys, what do you do? The wind carries whispers to my ears from all around the world... didn't know that did you!

I have realised some people don't know how to relax, they just keep on keeping on don't realise that they'll just wear themselves out... we are suppossed to relax, but if weekend means mega upsets & tension what's the point? New week and you're gonna start all worn out... pointless. Take a break.. breathe... feel the flow!! Put your feet up, grab some me time, come on & chill! Its SSSSZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ time!!!

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