Saturday 31 March 2012

My Sunburnt Ass!!

It's a crazy ass world 4 real... I know, I got a sunburnt ass to prove it!!

Life's no joke. You go along day by day just doing your thing & summat has to come along & rock your world in a real mean way. Know what I'm saying? How the jeebs did I know my ass was sticking out from under that tree? I mean, I thought all ends were covered but no, got that wrong big time & 2 hours later life just aint the same. Me a perfectly normal, respectable zebra is red raw & my mates weren't having it. 'Turn round' they said, '& put that red hot ass of yours in line.' Coz in this life don't matter who you are you always gotta suffer the consequences! They'd have me walking backwards if they could coz some folks want to see you suffer, they really want you to pay for your mistakes. But no mate, you got to draw the line somewhere, so I'll keep in with the crowd by just turning round for a few & that'll do. 

Funny though, I never heard of a zebra getting sunburnt before, guess I'm special, LOL. Maybe I aint really a zebra at all, maybe I'm an alien disguised as a zebra but something went wrong in the chemistry when I went through the earthling replication atomizer??? Hmmm, now there's a thought! Could be the programmes got mixed up coz really, honestly & truly have you ever come across a zebra that speaks English? Now I gotcha thinking!! How you like your eggs? Sunburnt side up? WICKED!! SSSZZZZZZ

Friday 30 March 2012

Yo I've arrived!!


Let's start with a question!!

What's black & white & red all over?

Answer you guessed it LOL>> ME!!  THE SUNBURNT ZEBRA!!.

So life is great & sometimes you get burnt. I know it & you know it... so we gonna do what we wanna do on here, look at the good, the bad & ugly! No worries.. we're in it together! Over & out!! SSSZZZZZZ